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Jeremy Goode is a neurotic librarian and ex-Ravenhill patient, who is present in the second series of Psychoville.


Series Two[]

Jeremy appears in every episode of the second series. He is a librarian, and his introductory scene begins with him asking a visitor of the library about a book that hasn't been returned. After receiving an overall answer of uncertainty as to when the book will be returned, Jeremy leaves his place at the checkout desk and goes to where the book - 50 Great Coastal Walks of the British Isles (Volume Two) - should be on the shelves, becoming visually stressed by its absence. He then turns to see the Silent Singer, who soon disappears.

Jeremy's obsession with this missing book becomes the pivotal point of his appearances, with him becoming increasingly dedicated to making sure it returns to the library. He arrives at the house of the woman who had checked it out, but she is dismissive of his concerns. After a few attempts (and another visit from the Silent Singer) he leaves, still not yet satisfied.

That night, Jeremy returns - the woman is going out with her husband for the evening, giving him an opportunity to strike. After climbing in through a window, which he was made aware of by the Silent Singer, he convinces the woman's daughter that finding the book was of utmost importance.

The next morning, as his woes have still not yet been resolved, Jeremy takes to more drastic measures. He follows the woman's mother through the park until she stops, allowing for him to cut off her hair and steal the family's pet dog. He then calls the woman, giving her twenty-four hours to find the book before he kills the dog.

The two meet that evening, allowing them to make the exchange. Once the woman hands over the book, however, it is revealed to be volume one of the series. Jeremy is promptly arrested, with the Silent Singer taunting him as he is dragged away.

While in police custody, he is interviewed by Detective Finney. He initially denies having any knowledge of Ravenhill, but after Finney begins to destroy a copy of the second volume of the series, he breaks, revealing that he had been working for Nurse Kenchington on a scientific project to bring the dead back to life. This is where the Silent Singer had originated from - upon his review at the hospital, he claimed to be seeing and hearing things that weren't actually there, basing his appearance off of another patient who he saw through the window of the office. Despite his presence being initially fictional, the Silent Singer did begin to appear to Jeremy after a few years of working on the project, and has continued to do so during stressful times ever since.
