League of Gentlemen Wiki
League of Gentlemen Wiki

Cathy Carter-Smith is the replacement restart officer at the job center. She is ill-tempered and very strict.


Series Two[]

Cathy appears in the first episode of the series, replacing Pauline in her role as restart officer. An argument quickly ensues between the two, with the latter being clearly unwilling to hand over the reigns. Cathy is avidly against the way that Pauline has been going about her role, with her focus being moreso on computer-based work (which her predecessor had never even considered). The two continue to bicker, and Pauline ends up leaving in a huff.

Live Shows[]

Drury Lane[]

Cathy is interviewed by the Police after Pauline's murder, and she is strict about being called Miss instead of Madame. She describes the confrontation Pauline had with her before her death - a recreation of her appearance in the show - but rather than the argument descending into physical violence, it ends with the two making out. Mickey, having witnessed this, kills Pauline in a crime passionnel.

..Are Behind You![]

On the DVD cut of the show, Cathy is only mentioned - Pauline, her sister, runs a pen shop, and she runs a computer shop across the way. However, in a deleted scene, the two argue at Lazarou's ball, before deciding to bring their shops together (due to Pauline's laments of her inability to pay rent).

Live Again![]


  • Cathy was the second choice for the new Restart Officer - the League felt the nice woman they originally wrote would never work.
  • In the Drury Lane Show, Reece had to rush the change from Ross to Cathy, hence why the lips are more dramatic.
  • Cathy's scene in the Panto being removed somewhat confuses things, as Mark Gatiss goes from Mick McNamara to Mickey despite not seeming to have time to do so.